Sunday, October 30, 2022

Heart of a Leader 10/30/2022

Here's today's Higher Ground Fellowship Hour (Sunday School) Fall Lesson 9 from 1 Samuel 16:1-13 For Middle Elementary Students --and Adults Who Enjoy a Scripture Breakdown with a Cartoon to Boot! #school #students #mskathysclass #mskathyskids #sundayschool #childrensbiblestudy #childrensministry #childrenschurch #mountpilgrimbaptistchurch #OldTestament #1Samuel #firstbookofsamuel #leadership #heartofaleader

Sunday, August 14, 2022

A New Place 8/14/2022

Higher Ground Fellowship Hour (Sunday School) Summer  Quarter Lesson 11 for Middle Elementary Students and Adults who like a Scripture breakdown [Revelation 21:10-21].  Share the lessons with your favorite little Sunday school student this morning. Find out how your family can be the voices for a future Contemporary Story Cartoon or sing the Ruby Red Panda email song! #HigherGroundFellowshipHour #MountPilgrimBaptistChurch #SundaySchool #ChildrensChurch #NewTestament #Revelation #ChildrensMinistry

Friday, August 5, 2022

Art Activity Sheet to accompany Lesson 10 for 8/7/2022

Think about all of the good things  that you want on your New Earth. Use this circle to draw and color it. Describe what kinds of animals and people live on your planet.


Sunday, June 26, 2022

Freedom 6/26/2022

Freedom 6/26/2022

Today's Higher Ground Fellowship Hour (Sunday School) Video Lesson Isaiah 51:1-8

#SundaySchool #ChildrensChurch #ChildrensMinistry #TheBookofIsaiah #ChildrensBibleStudy #OldTestament  #MountPilgrimBaptistChurch #MountPilgrimBaptistChurch #Isaiah #TheProphetIsaiah #BookofIsaiah

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Craft for June 26, 2022

Print this on cardstock. Use the photo print mode for 5X7 prints to make 4 on one sheet. Instructions in video titled "Freedom!" for Summer 2022 Lesson 4 for June 26, 2022. 


Friday, June 10, 2022

Hope for the Future 6/12/2022

Sunday's Higher Ground Fellowship Hour (Sunday School) Summer Quarter Lesson 2
#SundaySchool #ChildrensMinistry #ChildrensChurch #MountPilgrimBaptistChurch #Isaiah #ProphetIsaiah #BookofIsaiah #OldTestamant #BibleLesson #BibleStudy

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Free To Bear Fruit 5/29/2022

Tomorrow's Higher Ground Fellowship Hour (Sunday School) Video Lesson  Galatians 5:16-26
#SundaySchool #ChildrensChurch #ChildrensMinistry #Galatians #Galatia  #MountPilgrimBaptistChurch #NewTestament #ApostlePaul #PaulsEpistles #FruitoftheSpirit #Love #Goodness #Kindness #joy #peace #faithfulness #patience #gentleness #selfcontrol

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Crowds Welcome the King 4/3/2022

Below is the picture to go with this lesson. Draw the rest of the crowd that greeted Jesus as He entered Jerusalem. Then color the picture. Email or mail your picture to the email/PO Box mentioned in the video. Your picture could be in the next video! 

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Remember and Respond 3/27/2022

Coloring Picture for March 27, 2022

Moses is speaking to the people (Deuteronomy 8:1-11).Dra w more people in the picture. The email your picture to or mail a hard copy to: 
Ms. Kathy
PO Box 74514
Baton Rouge, LA 70874


Sunday, February 6, 2022

Turning Around 2/6/2022

 #ChildrensBibleStudy #ChildrensMinistry #SundaySchool #MountPilgrimBaptistChurch #ChildrensChurch #OldTestament #KingDavid #Samuel #Nathan #Uriah #Bathsheba #MountPilgrimBaptistChurch